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War Room


Posted by Martha Wilson, September 27

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

James 5:16b

While cleaning out my home office this week, I stumbled across some old writings. I really don’t remember writing this one, but oh, how I needed the personal challenge. It shook me in a good way, and I trust that someone else might need this word.

We designated one of the little rooms as a prayer room in our previous ministry location. The beautiful hand-crafted wooden sign was carefully posted over the door heralding “War Room.” Within was an inviting space to spend time with the Father. It included lamps and candles, floor pillows, and a desk. A journal for sharing prayer requests, inspiring paintings, and scripture. It was set apart as a holy place to meet with God.

Individuals and small groups gathered there and prayed for God to move among us. Together we sought His will and how we could join Him in His mighty work.

Sadly, as we began to outgrow our space for weekly gatherings little by little, the prayer room became a storage room. I remember the day while giving a few guests a tour of our space, the sick feeling filled my heart as we came to the “War Room.”

The ladies were charmed by the beautiful sign over the doorway, but I quickly began explaining the dark, cluttered room as I opened the closed door. Chairs were stacked high, and other furnishings and “stuff” completely filled the room. The War Room had become a Storage Room!

As I spoke the words, I was saddened, and even as I type these words today, tears fill my eyes.

It was later that night as I pondered the experience of the day, that I sensed the Lord’s grief. He showed me this was a serious problem with our ministry and our lives. The Christian movie, “War Room” made the words on the doorway sign very popular, but was it true? We wanted to be warriors, but the sign and well-intentioned decorated room did not make it so. No warring was going on in that room. It was dark, cluttered, and closed to prayer.

The sign had become a decoration instead of a declaration.

Are our lives in the same condition?

Are our hearts stacked high with clutter, worry, fear, and things of the world?

Have we exchanged the peace that comes in prayer for more stuff?

We acknowledge that we have a desire and need to pray, but are we praying?

We read and study about prayer, but are we interceding and warring for heaven on earth? We talk about being prayer warriors, but are we dressed for battle?

It is not talking about prayer that changes anything; it is prayer.

The day after the tour, I asked that the sign be removed and put over the main entrance of our worship room. It beckoned us to be women of worship and prayer, warring for His kingdom to come. We must become a house of prayer. Our world, state, city, churches, and families need someone to take the call to pray seriously.

I say “YES” Lord! Make me a true Prayer Warrior.

Prayer is the highest and most holy privilege and responsibility that Jesus left us with. We join Him in His ever-eternal intercession at the right hand of the throne of God. Prayer is so powerful. The enemy knows it, so he tricks us into piling our lives high with stuff. He draws us into deeper darkness until we eventually close the door to prayer. The enemy deceives us into believing we have a powerful room called prayer, but when hard times strike, do we war or retreat behind a closed door of despair?

Oh, my sisters and brothers, let us be deceived no longer! Be encouraged by Paul’s words of encouragement:

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, continuing steadfastly in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

Lord, give us your heart that we might pray in power!

That we might become “War Rooms” for your Kingdom.

Martha Wilson is a writer, speaker, blogger and co-host of “A Burst of Hope” weekly podcast. She is the founder and director of Touching Hearts Ministries for women. She has led women to pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus for most of her adult life. She is bold, tender, and transparent as she teaches women to embrace powerful Biblical truths. Martha and her husband, Ed, live in Fayetteville, Georgia, and enjoy their blended family of five children, eight grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. You can connect with Martha at: Facebook and Instagram @TouchingHeartsMinistries or listen to the A Burst of Hope Podcast.


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