Never Enough
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
I received a bubble wrap envelope in the mail. Enclosed was a “Nothing to Prove” necklace, which I recognized as the title of Jennie Allen’s newest book. I had not ordered the necklace and didn’t have a clue where it came from. I later learned that my daughter in law had pre-purchased the book for me and the necklace was included for free. The truth is, it was from God.
The number one lie the enemy shoots at me regularly is “You are never enough.” Yep, that’s what I hear screaming at me almost daily in some form. You didn’t do enough. You didn’t write enough. You didn’t study enough. You didn’t call enough. You didn’t meet enough. You didn’t pray enough. You didn’t clean your house enough. You didn’t spend enough time with your husband, friends, or children. You didn’t serve enough. It makes me tired just typing the words. The lie goes on and on and on.
Just a few weeks prior to receiving the surprise mail, I had publically named it for what it was. A lie from the enemy. So here I was in the midst of the Christmas season and I definitely wasn’t enough for that.
Greater than the soon to arrive book or the necklace declaring to me…”Martha, You have nothing to prove”, was the card from Jennie Allen that was included. It should have been signed “God”. I smiled as my tear stained face turned upward and thanked God that He is enough so I don’t have to be enough. May the words of my card bless you today.
Dear friend,
God became flesh…
And dwelt among us…
God with us. Jesus
Have you paused lately to take in the mind-blowing truth of Immanuel, God with us? I just can’t get over the fact that Jesus set aside the glory of heaven to hang out with people like you and me. He came to be with us and to take on Himself all of our sin, all of our not-enoughness, all of our struggles. And in exchange for our striving He gave us His perfect love and invited us into His streams of abundant life.
I pray you will know deep in every fiber of your being that, if you have placed your trust in Jesus, then you have absolutely nothing to prove. You are His beloved.
He rejoices over you. And He is more than enough for whatever you face today.
Jennie, Martha, (GOD)