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A word from Martha Wilson

A new year! A new beginning. A fresh start! One of my favorite things of the new year is a crisp new journal. White pages waiting to be embossed with the happenings of the year. These pages stare at me like a new chapter of my life waiting to be written. I have no idea what each page holds but how amazing to trust in a Sovereign God who knows all things. In His book every stroke is already written. I step into this year grasping Him and being held by Him, knowing that no matter what comes my way, it is already written. There are no surprises, no plan B, no ripping out of pages. He knows all things. We live in such uncertain times, but with Jesus as my Cornerstone, my hope, my anchor, I can fully enter in confident that Col. 1:17 is true. “In Him all things hold together.” I am blessed to stand together with amazing women like you! Look around and invite others to journey with us. See you on Tuesday!

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